root is granted for apps an the fly (without the use of Superuser.apk - this APk isn't working but not needed!) Now you can install basic gapps for BluestacksĪt last goto Settings->Accounts-> add your Google-Account Click on the colored Home-Button of Bluestacks and select Holo Launcher for ever. In addressbar goto HoloLauncher (stable) download page and download and install itģ. Click an entry in Pulse Click on Menu-Button, that goes to an WEBsite of an article the hidden webBrowser of bluestack will open that Now you should activate personalized Home Launcher! (If you did not done it before)Ģ. Goto into Folder yourusername/Library/BlueStacks App Player/Runtime make Alias For Bluestacks App Player.app Rename the file Root.fs to Root.fs_backup (in case for having a backup!)Ĭopy the unpacked Root.fs_hacked to here and rename it to Root.fs. Open Library-Folder Go into the Folder Bluestacks App Player Go into the Folder Android In Finder-Menu go to "Go To'-cklick it once hold alt-key down for showing the user-library-folder Unpack Root.fs_hacked.zip in a folder of your choiceĢ. Download Root.fs_hacked.zip (rooted Root.fs)ġ.

Attention! this HOWTO is only useable on MAC OS X!-ġ. (make sure, Bluestacks is not running!!!) So I've copied a new su file ('su.orig') and a symbolic link ('su') into /system/xbin. The /system of bluestacks is rooted out of the box, but root-permissions are restricted. I've managed making full rooted Root.fs for the Bluestacks android app-player for MAC OS X. This is guiding tread for rooting Bluestacks for Windows. The idea for rooting it came, when I read the thread of xRepinsSporx here. If you havn't installed or used it before, the android app player Bluestacks alpha for MAc OS X is available here: Hi all, who are interested in using Bluestacks (Bluestacks Mac alpha) rooted and writeable /system & /data!